Natural Remedies For Pain, Aches And Cramps

By Kapiva Editorial

“No gain without pain” is an adage most physical trainers use to push you beyond your limits. While most pain is sweet, considering there is some gain expected in terms of strength, weight loss, etc., other types of pain may be more serious. Factors like age, physical structure, physical activity, nutrition, and effort expended determine the intensity and duration of the pain.

Nature Of Aches, Pains, And Cramps

Aches and pains can result from intense activity or other health factors like menstrual cycles, bone degeneration, injury to tissues, tendons, ligaments and muscles, inflammation and soreness of muscles. There are several types of pain:

1. Acute Pain

Short duration (lasting from a few minutes to 3 months) pain due to soft-tissue injury, trauma, or due to illness can be considered acute pain. These pains generally subside once the root injury or trauma is healed. Acute pain can upgrade to chronic pain if left untreated.

2. Chronic Pain

Pain lasting for a longer duration can be termed chronic pain. The pain could be intermittent or ebb and rise over time. Migraines, backache, joint pains, etc., are examples of chronic pain. These are generally caused due to underlying health issues like arthritis, inflammation, fibromyalgia, nerve compression, spinal injuries, etc.

3. Neuropathic Pain

A type of chronic pain, neuropathic pain, results from nerve damage or impairment of the nervous system. Often felt like piercing needles, this pain can be very intense. People also report a feeling of being stabbed or a burning sensation. Neuropathic pain can be intermittent, but its intensity can be debilitating.

4. Nociceptive Pain

Any activity or trauma that leads to pain from damage to body tissue is called Nociceptive pain. These could result from blunt trauma to your joints like twisting of the ankle, scrapping of your elbows due to a fall, etc. This can be acute and chronic and can cause unbearable throbbing pain.

5. Radicular Pain

Any pain resulting from compression or inflammation of the spinal nerve is called Radicular pain. One common example is sciatica, where the pain shoots from the base of the spine (back of the hip) down the back of the leg to your toes. Patients complain of numbness, a tingling sensation and general muscle weakness. Pain is severe and basic movements like sitting and walking make it worse.

Causes Of Aches, Pains, And Cramps

Aches, pains, and cramps come in all forms. They could result from overworked muscles, joints and tissues to other medical conditions.

Some common factors include:

  • Illnesses like flu that cause inflammation in the body.
  • Dehydration that can cause issues with bodily functions like digestion and respiration.
  • Lack of sleep that results in inadequate rest and recovery from fatigue.
  • Stress that can affect your immune system’s response to inflammation.
  • Fatigue caused due to medical conditions like anemia.
  • Lack of calcium and Vitamin D needed for joints and muscles to function efficiently.
  • Medical conditions like Fibromyalgia that can leave your muscles and bones achy and fatigued.
  • Degenerative conditions like Arthritis.
  • Digestive issues like diarrhea and hormonal changes during menstruation.

How To Get Rid Of Aches, Pains And Cramps Naturally?

The best remedies for pains and aches are consciously strengthening the muscles and tissues that support joint mobility, and maintaining adequate fitness levels will prevent injuries and speed up the recovery process.

Some natural remedies for cramps, aches, and pains:

  • Get adequate rest. Allow the body enough time and nutrition to repair damaged tissues, fatigued muscles and joints.
  • Hot and cold compression. Applying ice on inflamed joints can provide quick relief. A hot pack or a hot bath can relieve muscle soreness.
  • Massage. A gentle deep massage can undo the knotting of muscle fibres and relax and provide flexibility to overworked, tightened muscles.
  • Dipping your feet in hot Epsom salt water can soothe tired feet and relax the entire body.
  • Natural supplements. Choose organic natural sources of supplements in case of deficiencies due to poor diet.
  • Exercise. You don’t need to hit the gym, but low to moderate exercises like walking, cycling and swimming can improve joint mobility and exercise most of your larger muscle groups.
  • Stretch. A good stretch right in the morning or before hitting the bed can wake up all your muscles and release their tension. Yoga asanas can work wonders.
  • Anti-inflammatory foods. Adding turmeric and ginger to your diet can help fight inflammation which is one of the root causes of pain.

Foods To Avoid For Aches And Pains

The root cause of pain in the body is inflammation. While inflammation is the body’s response to counter external pathogens or channel healing resources towards injury areas, an uncalibrated or out of control inflammatory response is harmful to your health. Eliminating foods that cause inflammation from your diet is a great start to your healing process. Avoid these foods:

  • Sugary foods. These cause insulin spikes that result in a strong inflammatory response.
  • Red meat. A diet consisting of red meat like beef, steaks, ribs, ground beef, etc., triggers inflammation.
  • Processed meat like bacon, ham, sausage, etc.
  • Nightshade vegetables like potatoes, brinjals, tomatoes, etc.
  • High-fructose corn syrup used in sweetened juices, yoghurt, salad dressings, candy, etc.
  • Grains containing gluten like wheat, barley, and rye.
  • Dairy products. The protein casein causes inflammation in your joints.
  • Trans fats found in processed, fried foods.
  • Preservative laden processed foods which include additives like MSG, aspartame, and salt.
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeinated sodas and drinks.

Natural Home Remedies For Pains, Aches And Cramps

Minor aches, pains and cramps are part of our everyday stresses. Here are some natural remedies for cramps, pains and aches you can try.

1. Backache
Garlic is the most important home remedy for a backache. Grain and mix 2-3 garlic cloves with sesame oil and rub onto the back area for excellent results.

2. Headache
Apply a paste of ½ teaspoon of ginger powder and water to the forehead area. A burning sensation may persist, but it’s not harmful.

3. Temporal Headaches
A Kapha-related issue, apply the ginger paste to the forehead and sinus areas.

4. Occipital Headaches
Occipital headaches are caused by aggravated pitta in the stomach. Treat this through a cup of tea made with cumin and coriander seeds. Also, apply sandalwood paste to the temples.

5. Sinus-Related Headaches
Sinus-related headaches indicate toxins in the colon. Take one teaspoon of flax seeds at bedtime with a glass of warm milk. At the same time, also apply ginger paste behind the ears.


Soak a teaspoon of cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon trikatu (Ginger, Black pepper, Long Pepper) & 1 teaspoon of honey in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. And consume it twice a day.

6. Ankle Sprain, Muscular/Arthritic pain or Oedema (Legs)
Rub mustard oil on sore arthritic joints. Make a hot infusion of 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds and apply to the affected area.

7. Menstrual Cramps
Have a tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel, with two pinches of black pepper, thrice a day.

8. Muscle Strain – Upper Body
Apply a warm ginger paste with turmeric to the affected area twice daily.

9. Pain – External
Blend 2 teaspoons of ginger powder with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, using enough water. Warm the paste and spread it evenly on a piece of cotton cloth. Use this gel as a ginger compress.

10. Swelling
Apply two parts of turmeric powder with one part of salt to the affected area. Drink barley water or coriander tea.

11. Acute Abdominal Pain
Chew ½ teaspoon of celery seeds with a pinch of salt. Guzzle this down with a cup of warm water afterwards.

12. A toothache
Apply 3 drops of clove oil to the affected teeth.

Summing It Up

Body aches and pains can be caused by multiple factors. It’s generally due to muscle fatigue or poor body conditioning that puts a lot of pressure on your joints. Choose natural home remedies for pain and adopt a healthy fitness routine to keep your muscles and joints in good working condition.

Consult with a physiotherapist or chiropractor if the pain doesn’t subside or aggravate.


Q1. Why do we experience aches and pains?

Aches and pains can be caused due to overworked muscles, starting a new activity routine, posture-related issues, sprains, strains, underlying medical issues like arthritis, diabetes, PCOS, fibromyalgia, and injuries.

Q2. Can we get rid of aches and pains naturally?

Yes. You can apply cold or hot compress, massage, eat anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, garlic, etc., rest, counter vitamin deficiencies through natural supplements, stretch and strengthen the supportive muscles and tissues and stay hydrated.

Q3. What foods can I eat for aches and pains?

Any foods that help control inflammation in the body will work wonders for pain relief. Foods like turmeric, ginger, fatty fish, green vegetables like spinach, kale, etc., healthy fats, nuts, seeds, etc., can help you deal with aches and pains.

Q4. What fluids can I drink to avoid aches and pains?

Plain water is more than sufficient to avoid dehydration, which causes muscle soreness and wear and tear. Tart cherry juice, watermelon juice, beetroot juice, whey protein shakes and pomegranate juice help hydrate and promote muscle recovery.

Q5. What foods should I avoid for aches and pains?

Any foods that cause inflammation will trigger or aggravate existing pain. Avoid processed foods, sugary foods and carbonated drinks, processed meat, nightshade vegetables like eggplants, grains that contain gluten, trans fat, etc.

This information is part of the series produced for



Kapiva Editorial

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